1990 | 1992 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003

disclaimer:  Front of Bored is in no way affliated with, sponsored by or endorsed by the Deftones or Maverick Records.  Front of Bored is a non profit website and is done solely for the purpose of archiving the information of known Deftones recordings, legal or otherwise.  The authors of this site in no way endorse or condone the recording of the band without the permission of said band or their management.  Any concerns or queries should be addressed to the authors of the page.
updated: June 6, 2004


update: ok, so the last real update was almost a year ago.  It's fairly obvious that I won't be making any more updates.  basically i've lost all interest in keeping this updated. too much work and somewhere down the line I realized that the whole format of the page was flawed (shoulda used sql or something else....).  anyways. I won't be updating this anymore

in hindsight: I started this page sometime in the late summer/early fall of 2000, in order to track the known recordings of the deftones.  other artists had fan pages dedicated to this sort of thing at the time, so if i figured why not.  at the time the trading scene amongst live recording enthusiasts (the more serious ones) was pretty awful IMO.  lack of source info/lineage, lack of tapers, and serious traders contributed to this.  no one kept source infos and no one cared about lineage.  people couldn't fathom the idea of lossy mp3s.  you guys, if you've ever wondered why those big baller deftones traders, with all the uncirculated shows, don't want to trade with you it's because they feel you're below them.  you don't keep sources, you trade in mp3 (or worse), you don't know the lineage of your shows or you don't tape.  simple as that.  why would they want your crap?

now: i'm seeing more and more traders who seem to care about the things i was looking for in traders way back when i first got started.  almost makes me wish i was more interested in this stuff. however i'm must say i'm disapointed in you new generation of tapers for not covering more of the guerilla tour. (only joking).  

tomorrow: someone brought to my attention a couple similar sites that contained the exact same info found in FOB and asked what i thought about it.  this wasn't the first deftones site that did the whole tour-archive/bootleg-info bit nor will it be the last so I realize that information is information, it was meant to be used.  guys you can use whatever information in this site. copy it all you want.  i don't care.  i wouldn't mind if you gave some credit back to me though (just to frontofbored would be fine).  and to the sites that blatantly copied the info from my site, i hope you guys don't do that at school.

email info to: frontofbored@hotmail.com